Cooper's Treasure Season 1 Episode-3 Telugu Dubbed TV Series
Cooper's Treasure Season 1 Episode-3 Telugu Dubbed TV Series Watch Online.
Genre: Family, Reality-TV, Drama, Adventure, Documentary, History
Stars: Gordon Cooper
Year started: 2017
Run time: 40 Mins
Countries: USA
Audio Language: Telugu Dubbed

Synopsis: While in space Gordon noticed a series of anomalies around the South Caribbean and photographed over 100 of them. These anomalies were dark patches that appeared on his photographs of the earth. He believed there was only one explanation for these and thought them to be sunken ships, including the lost fleet of Christopher Columbus. Working for decades in secret, he created a map that he believed could uncover billions of pounds-worth of treasure. Before he passed away, Gordon shared his secret with his long-time friend Darrell Miklos in the hope that the exploration would continue and the mystery would finally be solved. Now, the one man Gordon trusted has the research and evidence, together with Gordon's map from space and is setting out with a team of seasoned explorers and researchers to once and for all accomplish his friend's long-held dream - to uncover the world's greatest treasures.

Cooper's Treasure Season 1 Episode-3 Telugu Dubbed TV Series


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